- Arrange the tokens to form a circuit path to light up the beacons indicated on the challenge card.
- With challenges by world famous puzzle-creator Wei-Hwa Huang.
- Select a challenge card. Set up the game grid to match the challenge.
- Determine where to add the indicated tokens to the grid.
- Position the tokens so that the Beacons light up and-You Win.
With Circuit Maze, your goal is to create a real electrical circuit that lights up designated beacons. The 60 challenges are tricky and clever, providing hours of electrifying fun. Plus, when playing Circuit Maze, you will discover how circuits actually work! , Includes: 1 Game Grid, 60 Challenge Cards With Solutions, Instruction Manual, 17 Game Tokens (1 two-part Power Supply, 3 LED Beacons, 2 Straight, 1 Bridge, 1 Double-Corner, 2 T-Shaped, 5 Corner, 1 Switch and 1 Blocker)
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